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James Dyson Couplets  


Whoever thought that Edison was great, 

Ne’er saw what my notable did create 


Born with a determined mindset to work, 

Which changed the course of his life with a jerk 


When he was upset with his old Hoover, 

Made an inspiring choice - to improve her 


Cyclone separation his incentive, 

He was a man known to be inventive 


From scratch he had a vacuum to scrape up, 

Five thousand times he nearly gave it up  


His wife, the lasting star in all his hope, 

Had helped; his fortune was an upward slope 


He made the first bagless vacuum cleaner, 

His goal to influence; he’s a dreamer 


Five thousand one hundred and twenty-six, 

Prototypes that he lived in life eclipse 


By United States he got rejected, 

But with his strength remained unaffected 


Then the Japanese took in his produce, 

And soon around the globe they were profuse 


Lots of his inventions you use today, 

Either to clean or clear they don’t dismay 


The only succeeder of Edison, 

He goes by the name of Sir James Dyson 




Key: each |…| = 1 syllable ie. Who-ev-er-thought-that-Ed-I-son-was-great 

(each line = 10 syllables) 



Who ev|er thought |that |E|di|son| was| great, 

Ne’er |saw |what |my |notable |did |create 

Born |with |a |de|ter|mined |mind|set |to |work, 

Which |changed |the |course |of |his |life |with |a |jerk 

When |he |was |up|set |with |his |old |Hoo|ver, 

Made |an |inspiring |choice - |to |improve |her 

Cy|clone |se|pa|ra|tion |his |in|cen|tive, 

He |was |a |man |known |to |be |in|ven|tive 

From |scratch |he |had |a |vac|uum |to |scrape |up, 

Five |thou|sand |times |he |near|ly| gave |it |up  

His |wife, |the |las|ting |star |in |all |his |hope, 

Had |helped; |his |for|tune |was |an |up|ward |slope 

He |made |the |first |bag|less |va|cuum |clea|ner, 

His |goal |to |in|flu|ence|; he’s |a |drea|mer 

Five |thous|and |one |hun|dred |and |twen|ty-|six, 

Pro|to|types |that |he |lived |in |life |e|clipse 

By| U|ni|ted |States |he |got |re|jec|ted, 

But |with |his |strength |re|mained |un|a|ffec|ted 

Then |the |Ja|pa|nese |took |in |his |pro|duce, 

And |soon |around |the |globe |they |were |pro|fuse 

Lots |of |his |in|ven|tions |you |use |to|day, 

Ei|ther |to |clean |or |clear |they |don’t |dismay 

The |on|ly |suc|cee|der |of |E|di|son, 

He |goes |by |the |name |of |Sir |James |Dyson 

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