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This is the question that everybody wants to know the answer to. This is the question that explains what was once thought to be unexplainable. This is the question that decides whether your notable really is notable. This is the BIG question. 


James Dyson should definitely be notable for many reasons. The most prominent one of all is because of his tremendous efforts to achieve what he wanted. This is certainly the most important aspect since determination is always the key to success, especially for larger or higher goals. Absolutely no goal in life of a reasonable man can be achieved without pushing yourself past your 'comfort zone'. For example, in James Dyson’s youth, he was good at long distance running, not because he was physically stronger or trained more than the other contestants, but because he was mentally stronger. He had a fighter's mentality to never give up, and it paid off well in his adulthood. You can clearly see this, as he later decided to embark on a journey to remake his performance-diminishing vacuum cleaner while living in poverty. The process took 15 difficult years, 5127 mind-blowing prototypes and several renewed degrees of concentration and perseverance. This is the first and foremost reason why Sir James Dyson should be considered notable.  


Following on from his determination, James Dyson should also be noted for his hard work. This is because not only did he make over 5000 prototypes, but he had to break each older one and even make new plans for the next one in much detail. He said: 'It didn't happen overnight, but after years of testing, tweaking, fist banging, and after more than 5,000 prototypes, it was there,' he said. 'Or nearly there. I still needed to manufacture it and go sell it. As he said, he also had to manufacture and sell it after it was completed, but that was easier said than done. He spent three years racing around the globe, looking for companies to take in his product, unsuccessfully. Never did he know that his hard work was not completely a waste. After all, who would not want to buy a product so markedly more effective than anything else on the market? The answer: Everybody.  


In addition to finding a company that would take in his products, he also had to face the challenge of bouncing back after being turned down by multiple manufacturers. 'I was young and, in hindsight, idealistic, to think that the big vacuum manufacturers would jump at the chance to license my idea,' Dyson told New York. 'I had visions of a vacuum revolution. Reality was something different.' And it was true, it was only a vision. 'No one would license my idea', he explained, 'not because it was a bad one, but because it was bad for business'. Though countless major manufacturing companies turned him down, they were still right about one thing: it was still a good idea. After another failed licensing with a United States company which he called 'disaster' in 1986, Dyson saw light at the end of his dark tunnel. With continued effort and several overnight meetings, he finally found a small licensing company from Japan called Apex Limited. This is another major reason why Sir James Dyson should be considered notable. 


Furthermore, Sir James Dyson always had a positive mindset. This meant that no matter how many times he was rejected by any number of companies, he always remained optimistic. This can be proved because if he had a negative mindset, the 5127th prototype would never have been introduced to the world. His positive mindset will absolutely be praised later in his life, and many children will see him as a role model. This is another important reason as to why Sir James Dyson should be seen as notable. 


Now continuing to the next reason why Sir James Dyson should be considered notable. In making the vacuum, he was inspired by his own invention to start his own company, which led to more of his inventions. To this present day, Dyson Limited is producing vacuums for all countries around the world. Whether it is hand dryers, vacuums, or hairdryers, it will guarantee you the best quality possible. This shows that not only did James Dyson achieve his own goals, but he also made life easier for the population. This is another reason why Sir James Dyson should be considered notable. 


Furthermore, in the process of making life easier, Dyson has inspired many young men and women around the world. He has influenced others to innovate in products that they are not satisfied in or were originally thought to be difficult to improve on. If even just a few creators are successful, then altogether the world could be improved even further. He has also inspired several companies- that then went to imitate his designs- along the way. For example, in 1999, Hoover was sued by Dyson for patent infringement and was fined four million pounds. With much effort and hard work, James Dyson had created his bagless vacuum cleaner, and a new generation of curious inventors. 


In addition to influence, another reason why Sir James Dyson is notable is that he is knighted. In 2006, James Dyson became Sir James Dyson. People are only knighted by the Royal Family when they do something significant. Dyson got knighted for his services to business by Pince Charles in 2006, which was a huge honor. This is because only around 300 people in the United Kingdom are knighted, even though it is currently much easier to get knighted. James Dyson did not live in these 'modern days'. Back when he was knighted, one must have performed great deeds to have gotten the award. With this legacy in place, many people who already knew James Dyson will also try and take a similar path to get knighted. This will cause many more people to work harder on what they do, in order to achieve their goals. This means that each new generation of human beings would be influenced by people like James Dyson, and the world would be a better place. This is another argument why James Dyson should be considered notable. 


More importantly, Sir James Dyson has also inspired me. After many hours reading and writing about Dyson, he has caused me to look at the world from a unique perspective. For example, he has made me feel grateful for many things. One of them is that I was born after him. This is because I get to make use of Dyson's useful invention, which helps me to be more efficient, and lasts longer than any older versions. Another new perspective is to never give up. Whenever I am faced with a tricky situation now, I think about James Dyson and his 5127 prototypes. This makes my life feel much less pressured, and my problems and worries are nothing compared to his. This helps me to keep being ambitious and helps me to survive my day-to-day basis. Knowing about James Dyson has really changed my perspective of the world, from an older grittier version, to a fresh new one. 


With all these reasons types down, I hope that whoever reads this will now see James Dyson as a better man. Whether you did not know much about him before, or you were already familiar with him, he is and will always be a notable man. He was hard working, never giving up, a billionaire entrepreneur, inventor, long distance runner, farmer, and industrial designer. Whatever other people think, you will not be able to google the word 'vacuum' without seeing the word 'Dyson'.  


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